2016: The following are select pages from My Visual Scrapbook including pictures leading up from my birth, to early and later on youth. It is comprised not only pictures however, it includes photos, essay and drawings throughout. I made two scrap books, one from my early on years to my future and adult life as now. This is an example of my layout and design skills in Microsoft Word.
This is the initial scan of the designed portfolio work "My Visual Scrapbook."
The next few pages show my early years growing up in my family.
There are more and far between pages in this "Visual Scrap book" presented thus far. Over 160 pages dedicating to remember my youth, growing up and adolescent to adult hood. My 1st scrapbook was mostly childhood, second and final, was dedicated to my early adulthood. The pictures presented are past photos, essays, awards and other personal achievements throughout my life. This scrapbook shows my layout skills in designing personal documents at a real purpose or goal.