Digital Design Tools
Instructor: Gregory LeSar
Course Section:
Term: 23EW4
Credit Hours3
Grade: A
In this course, students will explore industry-standard software to understand their purpose, similarities, differences, and how to apply them to various design mediums. Students will also have the opportunity to practice navigating and using the software and their tools to prepare for applying them to revise and refine basic designs. This course will provide students with the foundational knowledge necessary for more hands-on application and design in future learning experiences.
Portfolio and Assignments:
Here I took some of my own work to represent the key features of the programs used in Graphic Design. 
This project was a culmination of several objects created and manipulated in Adobe Illustrator to create the final works. 
This exercise we utilized different techniques in Adobe Photoshop and put the image together the way the instructor wanted it. 
Fundamentals of Design
Instructor: Arianna Tanguma
Course Section:
Credit Hours: 3
Grade: A
This course examines the basic elements and principles of design and how they are used in creating visual communications. Students will explore the relationship between the elements and principles of design and how they are used to accomplish effective compositions. Students will be introduced to the creative development process and basic design software features as they complete creative projects. Not all assignments or projects are complete or are incorporated in this portfolio because they are not unique or authentic. A major part of this course was just learning and exploring the principles and elements of design. We viewed and critiqued each other's works and posted on boards to get the feel of design. 
Portfolio and Assignments: 

The first assignment we took basic lines and shapes of evoke an emotion or action. I came up with the idea of doing this by hand rather than in the program known as Adobe Illustrator. 
This was my final version of the car wash update from the poster we, the students, recreated evoking more color and emotion into the fundraiser for the school. ;
The final result turned out good, but the one above was my favorite. You must always have a draft for yourself. The final piece has less color and is an upgrade from the traditional black and white version which it originated from
A final poster I developed with copy righted material, mainly the images, to represent the selling point to the poster design. 
GRA 280: Digital thinking for graphic designers
This class I worked on developing my skills in layout and elements of design. I did however withdraw prematurely at close to the end of the term I intend to revisit this class in the future terms throughout this degree. 
Typography GRA 340 (Sept-Oct).

Module 1:
In this assignment we were given the choice of choosing a specific quote or "meme" you preferred and formatting it on a square and using the techniques, emphasis, and emotion to convey or evoke a response in the composition. I was only allowed 2 font families and had to use google fonts. I got to use Adobe Illustrator to complete the final piece. 
Module 2
In this next piece (2-2) I formatted and placed the desired elements of the design in this newsletter in InDesign. The elements to consider was the logo, headline, color scheme and text or font chosen from google. I learned how to use Adobe InDesign more and gained experience following directions and designing a newsletter for the client as a Freelance project. 
09/17/2024: Here's a sneak peak at GRA 310:  2-1 Assignment I did for my Graphic Design for the Web Course @ SNHU
09/21/24: Final piece for my GRA 340 Typography Assignment! This advertisement was intended for a social media composition advertising for an event for an art fundraiser for the parents of art in our young autistic students. 
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