2013: My latest card design for my services I will be providing to any clients interested. This card design was the first actual print I've done through a print service. Turned out excellent!
2024: New Card Design promoting my site and skills for my Freelance jobs.
2013: I created this logo variation for a pet supplies online store called doggiedew. The owner is still considering which one will be used, but is aiming at the bottom left as of right now at least.
This was done in my senior year in high school-class of 2002.
This was a crucial part in the design of the website I created for a career center for my formal high school. It was an internship for over 100 hours of dedicated work. This was the final output. The next image is the final layout of the site.
This was done in my junior/senior year of high school (2001-2002).
This Website I did for a client a while back in high school with a colleague I upgraded the logo appearance and made it vector based. I also created the navigation buttons and an illustrated advertisment for the main page.
The Illustration below was the funnest part of the project. I used illustrator too its best here!!
I did this about around the same time as the New Era Training site began. The client wanted a new card for her business as well as a new look for a logo. This gave me experience creating a logo. I worked with the client with various alternatives to complete this project. She was very pleased with it and I learned a lot about what the final output looks like.
I created this logo for a design partner in a job I once did.