Issaquah School District logo and layout ideas.. 2002

I was in search for work experience in High School: everywhere and anywhere! After taking my first NEVAC class at Tiger Mountain Community High School I was dead set in doing something in design. I had previous experience creating personal websites and some in designing graphics and photo manipulation in Adobe Photoshop. I used Adobe Golive to create the layout of the site below. Ms. Todd and Connor both excepted my with open arms as I started and finished the final Design of the website for the Issaquah High's Career Center website. It was by far the most challenging projects I had to complete and mostly the funnest ones to accomplish. Over 100 hours of internship experience!

Intern: Kevin S., Class of 2002
Internship: 100 Hours creating and managing a web site dedicated to the Career Center at Issaquah High School. A paid position by means of the Issaquah School District via the High Tech Learning Center. Carola F.S. Dopps, my internship consultant from the High Tech Learning Center, provided any assistance in consulting the Issy Career Center staff and the Issaquah School District. Internship Experience: During my 100 hours of Internship Experience, I learned many things about the business world. Amongst, learning communication skills and time management tasks that truly help me for future ambitions I want to pursue!
Why was I chosen for this internship?: I was chosen for the Career Center Webmaster Intern because I have had two years experience in creating web sites for personal and business use. Had extensive training in the graphics field and currently plan to study Media Communications and Technology at BCC in the fall. What did I gained from this experience?: Communication skills and time management to start. I learned a lot about the “real-world” and how to plan out tasks before doing them. Special Thanks: Thanks to all the people who helped me through this experience. To the Career Center Staff, thanks for meeting and corresponding with me during this project. Thanks especially to Carola F.S. Dopps for giving me the opportunity to take this internship.

Here are some variation to my logo ideas for Career Center Intern job I had in highschool.

This was my final version!