~~Westport Seafood Logo
Computer: 464 X 460 pixels
Actual: 8 X 10 inches
When did I do this? Spring 2003-2-D Design at Bellevue Community College.
Rationale: This logo is an example of balance and space. I used the color red as a focal point to draw in the viewer; also, the largest line is in the middle: right where I want the viewer to see the logo name. The balance of this design is found by equal weighting of line use. The spacing of this design, use of white space, is also equally weighted. I used the technique of grouping to relate all the lines in one.

My first attempt at creating a logo in college became a rewarding and challenging task indeed!

Changing some parts of the design, namely the firsh to letters, created an interesting affect.

More of an advertisement but still a step in the right direction.

The net in this step is more active and identifiable by the reach of the hands.

Notice the changes that take place in every step.

From design to final output this was an extremely challenging and fun endeavor! I basically simplified everything from beginning to end and made an icon for this final logo.